Troops Line Up Along Burma-Bangladesh Border

By MIN LWIN | The Bangladesh armed forces have been placed on high alert along the Burma-Bangladesh border, as a result of a dispute with Burma on maritime boundaries in the Bay of Bengal. Burmese troops have been reinforced.

A map locating St. Martin's Island close to the border between Bangladesh and Burma. (Graphic: AFP)
Bangladeshi officials were quoted as saying that while troops are on alert along the border, it has pulled back naval vessels from the Bay of Bengal after Rangoon stopped ships from exploring for oil and gas in the disputed waters, according to Reuters news agency.

A Burmese Army source said elements of No. 9 Military Operation Command based in Kyauk Taw Township in Arakan State were reinforced along the 220-kilometre (170 mile) Bangladesh-Burma border on Saturday.

Tension between the two countries escalated after Burma sent naval vessels to escort a Korean company ship that was exploring for oil and gas some 50 kilometers (30 miles) south of Bangladesh's Saint Martin Island.

Bangladeshi Foreign Secretary Touhid Hossain, who earlier led a diplomatic delegation to Rangoon, said Burma had in fact stopped exploration in the disputed waters and removed equipment, Reuters reported on Monday.

More talks between Burma and Bangladesh will be held in Dhaka on November 16 and 17.

Over the weekend, the Burmese government rejected the Bangladesh government’s demand to stop exploration immediately, the state-run New Light of Myanmar reported on Friday.

The paper said on Sunday that Burma completed exploratory drilling in one area of block AD-3 and drilling equipment was moved to another area in block A-3.