Karen rebel outpost seized

by Than Htike Oo | Chiang Mai – An outpost of a Karen rebel group fighting for autonomy was seized today by a joint operation conducted by a rival Karen faction and government troops.

Following a two-day Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) assault, backed up by government troops, the outpost of the Karen National Union's (KNU) 6th Brigade, 201st Battalion, at Khalelawse, was seized this morning at about 11 a.m.

"They (DKBA) tried to seize this outpost yesterday with fire support provided by the junta's forces. After about 150 KNLA (rebel) forces entered Khalelawse at about 11 a.m. today, we withdrew from this outpost," KNU Joint General Secretary (1) Pado Saw Hla Ngwe said.

Some sources said the KNU lost two soldiers in the battle, but Pado Saw Hla Ngwe denied the loss of any troops. He said they were forced to withdraw from the outpost due to the superior firepower of enemy.

Khalelawse outpost is situated opposite the village of Ohn Phyan, within one kilometer of the Ohn Phyan refugee camp and about 80 kilometers south of Mae Sot on the Thai-Burma border.

Joint forces of the Burmese Army and DKBA also attacked and overran a KNU outpost at Wawlaykhe, in Kawkareik Township, Karen state, in early June of this year. However, the KNU retook the outpost within a few days.

The KNU has been fighting Burma's central government for nearly 60 years for the right to self-determination. Last year, there were more than 1,000 encounters and minor skirmishes along the Thai-Burmese border between the KNU and opposition forces.