NLD hopes to reconcile with youth members

DVB | Efforts have been made to resolve the problems between National League for Democracy youth members and party chairman Aung Shwe after 109 youth activists resigned last week.

The NLD youth members submitted their resignation letters on 16 October due to disagreements over the restructuring of the youth wing.

Youth members said that the reforms were being forced through with no consultation.

NLD spokesperson Nyan Win said that the central executive committee would meet for discussions next week to find a solution.

Nyan Win said that currently only three or four of the nine members were fully abreast of the issues, the others having been unable to attend meetings last week for health reasons.

The NLD spokesperson added that the party believed in solving problems within the party and with the regime through dialogue.

�I can say that the majority wants reconciliation between the two sides,� Nyan Win said.

�This is an internal party problem and I know that the CEC members will try to solve it amicably,� he went on.

�The NLD has always been demanding �dialogue� with the regime. If we use dialogue within the party, face to face, there is no reason we can�t solve this.�

�The most important thing is that both sides have the right attitude � if they think about the country and the people first, then they can be united.�

Khin Tun, one of the youth members who quit the party who was in charge of NLD youth affairs for Lower Burma, agreed that there was hope for reconciliation.

�The people who could solve this problem amicably are U Win Tin and U Khin Maung Swe,� Khin Tun said.

�The two sides need to cooperate. From our perspective, if we have permission to have a free and open discussion based on democratic principles and mutual respect, this matter can be solved.�

Khin Tun said it would have been preferable if the dispute could have been dealt with without the need for resignations.

�It is true that that shouldn�t have happened, but we need change,� Khin Tun said.

�Instead of forcibly making the change, if we can have a form of change emerging from what has happened, this is good government,� he said.

�Our main aim is the emergence of a democratic government, elected by the people, a civilian government following a democratic system,� he went on.

�Democratic principles must be a part of our organisation and should be applied as much as possible.�

Reporting by Yee May Aung