Mandalay NLD members' appeal summarily rejected by court

DVB | Appeal for recently sentenced Mandalay division National League for Democracy leaders and members has been rejected by the divisional court, according to their lawyer.

Myint Thwin, legal representative of the group, said Mandalay district court yesterday rejected appeal against the sentences on NLD organizing committee members Win Mya Mya and Kan Htun, divisional deputy chairman Than Lwin, Min Thu of Mogok, Tin Ko Ko of Meikhtila and Ko Win Shwe of Kyaukpandaung.

"The judge at the divisional court read our appeal forms and then immediately made the decision to reject the appeal," said Myint Thwin.

"[The judge] also intimated that we can lodge further appeals and pleas to higher level courts."

The six were arrested during the Saffron Revolution in September 2007 after they joined the monk-led public protests. They were handed down jail terms ranging from 2 to 13 years in Mandalay jail at the end of last month.

Government prosecutors laid a sedition charge against the group by using incriminating vocal materials secretly recorded during past NLD's monthly meetings.

Reporting by Aye Nai